
Thoughts from my daily grind

Encrypting & decrypting sensitive data in Ruby on Rails

Posted by Ziyan Junaideen |Published: 21 October 2021 |Category: Ruby on Rails
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Cryptography is an integral part of modern software development. The most common use of encryption on a Ruby on Rails application would be to store sensitive data on a database table for later withdrawal. For that, you have the attr_encrypted gem. But there are times you need more control over the process. That is the intended audience of this blog post.

I have temporarily stored encrypted credentials in a Redis database with a short TTL for the following reasons.

  • Store credit cards and ACH details
  • Storing API credentials

Once I encrypt and store the details in an HTTP POST request, I will fire an ActiveJob/SideKiq/Resque process. For example, this process will use the credit card details to create a customer and store the card in USAePay service and update the user record with the returned ID.


The Encryptor gem is my go-to tool to encrypt and decrypt data. I use it in conjunction with random keys, random initializing vectors (iv) generated using OpenSSL and a salt (a random byte sequence) generated using SecureRandom.

Install Encryptor gem using bundle add encryptor.

# Gemfile
gem 'encryptor', '~> 3.0.0'

Both OpenSSL and SecureRandom come with Ruby, and no additional setup is required.


To encrypt data, we need to generate a few parameters, and we need them later to decrypt the encrypted data. These parameters are:

  • Random key
  • Initializing vector
  • Salt

Let's make a data structure to include these data as well as the encrypted payload.

module JDeen
  class Encrypted
    ENC_ATTRIBTUES = %i[key iv salt data].freeze
    attr_accessor *ENC_ATTRIBTUES

Now lets write a method to encrypt:

module JDeen::Encryption
  def self.encrypt(payload)
    result =

    cipher ='aes-256-gcm')

    result.key = cipher.random_key
    result.iv = cipher.random_iv
    result.salt = SecureRandom.random_bytes(16) = Encryptor.encrypt(
      algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',
      value: payload,
      key: result.key,
      iv: result.iv,
      salt: result.salt


With this method, you can call and retrieve one object containing the encrypted data + the parameters provided to encrypt data.

encrypted = JDeeen::Encryption.encrypt("Hello Encryption!")
encrypted.key  # =>  "\x9C\x99\xF2i\xC5\x9E!\x8B\x02\e\xB2N\x85\xB7\xD3\x9A{\x1AB/Jy)\xA1\xCD\e.\xB6\a\xA95L"
encrypted.iv   # => "\x7F)\xEA\xBA\xD4\x0ER1i\x12n\xBB"
encrypted.salt # => "*[B\r\xDB`\x8FCL\xD1W\x83\xB3U\e\xEB" # => "\x03\x83\xFA%\xE2\xC2\x16\xE4eR\xCF\x81\x14\e\xB0!\xF3\x8ER\xD6]~;\x1A"}

Note: Different encryption algorithms have a different secret_key, iv, and salt requirements. OpenSSL handles the requirements for secret_key and iv. For aes-256-gcm we need a 16 byte salt.

Note: Unlike Encryptor version 1.x, versions 2.x and 3.x strictly validate paremeter requirements.


Now that we encrypted the data, we need to decrypt it when we want. Let's extend the JDeen::Encryption module with a method to decrypt.

module JDeen::Encryption
  # ...

  def self.decrypt(result)
    return unless result.decryptable?

    decrypted_value = Encryptor.decrypt(
      algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',
      key: result.key,
      iv: result.iv,
      salt: result.salt


This method accepts the output of the encrypt(payload) method and returns the decrypted value.

encrypted = JDeen::Encryption.encrypt("Hello Encryption!")
decrypted = JDeen::Encryption.decrypt(encrypted)
decrypted # => "Hello Encryption!"

Extra: You would have noticed result.decryptable? method call. That is introduced to assure that we have the attributes to process the decryption. The example I copied to this post included storing the encryption attributes in a Redis DB with a TTL of 5 minutes. So when the app triggered the decryption, there was a chance the data wasn't there.

module JDeen::Encryption
  class Encrypted
      # ...

      def decryptable? 
        ENC_ATTRIBTUES.each do |attribute|
          value = send(attribute)
          return false if value.nil? || value.empty?

Note: Notice I have used value.nil? || value.empty?. The RSpec I wrote randomly bugged out when using present? on values generated for secure_key, iv, and salt. I am not sure if it was some sort of a bug in Ruby 2.4.4, from which the code originated.


Here we discussed how to encrypt and decrypt a value. If you want to store the values temporarily (ex: until we process credit card information in a background job), you can store the data in a Redis DB with a TTL. I originally intended to cover storing the data in PG and Redis and later decided to write a separate blog post since this is already long.

About the Author

Ziyan Junaideen -

Ziyan is an expert Ruby on Rails web developer with 8 years of experience specializing in SaaS applications. He spends his free time he writes blogs, drawing on his iPad, shoots photos.
